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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

What are the different voice types?

Voice type is a system for categorizing classical and operatic solo singers, and the roles they sing, by the tessitura, weight and timbre of their un-amplified voices in an opera house or concert hall. This classification system is a tool for singers, composers, venues and listeners to categorize vocal properties, and to associate possible roles with potential voices.

The term tessitura generally describes the most musically acceptable and comfortable timbre for a given voice or, less frequently, musical instrument. This often refers specifically to the pitch range that most frequently occurs within a given piece, or part, of music.

Tessitura considerations include these factors: proportion of sudden or gradual rises and falls in pitch - speed of pitch changes; the relative number of very high or low notes; whether lines and phrases of music in the piece tend to rise or fall ¨C the muscular abilities of a singer may be more suited to one or the other direction.

Coloratura describes a style of vocal embellishment, as well as the voices able to perform them.

Female Voice Types:


Lyric coloratura soprano ¨C A very agile voice with a high upper extension, capable of fast vocal coloratura.
Dramatic coloratura soprano ¨C A coloratura soprano with a large voice which can sustain fast coloratura at full volume and sing over an orchestra, but does not necessarily have the upper extension of a lyric coloratura soprano.

Lyric soprano - A warm voice with a bright, full timbre which can be heard over an orchestra.
Light lyric - Light lyrics often have a ¡°full package¡± of musicianship, appearance and stagecraft.
Full lyric - Some full lyrics may have a more mature sound than light lyrics, making them less suitable for some of the lighter roles. Occasionally a full lyric will have a big enough voice that she can take on much heavier roles, using volume in place of vocal weight. This is done when a more lyric timbre is desired in an otherwise heavier role. Otherwise full lyric sopranos need be judicious with spinto and other heavy roles to prevent vocal deterioration.

Spinto soprano - It has the brightness and height of a lyric soprano, but can be "pushed" to dramatic climaxes without strain, and may have a somewhat darker timbre. It generally uses squillo to "slice" though a full orchestra (rather than singing over it like a dramatic soprano). It also handles dynamic changes very well.
Dramatic soprano - A powerful, rich voice that can sing over a full orchestra. Usually (but not always) this voice has a lower tessitura than other sopranos, and a darker timbre. - Used for heroic, tragic women of opera.
Wagnerian soprano - A dramatic voice that can assert itself over a large orchestra (over eighty pieces); substantial, very powerful and even throughout the registers. Usually plays a mythic heroine. Successful Wagnerian sopranos are rare, only one or two appear in a generation; arguably there are none singing today.

Mezzo-soprano - A mezzo-soprano's range can be the same as a soprano¡¯s; some mezzo roles call for the "soprano C", but the tessitura is lower. Mezzo voices tend to be quite versatile and able to take on a variety of roles with success.
Lyric mezzo-soprano - A higher and sometimes lighter mezzo voice and can have a range up to or above high C.
Dramatic mezzo-soprano ¨C A fuller and often lower voice than a lyric mezzo; can sing over an orchestra and chorus with ease.


Contralto is the lowest female operatic voice, usually with a deep and dark timbre. True operatic contraltos are very rare. Technically, "alto" is only a separate category in choral music where it refers simply to the vocal range.

Male Voice Types:


Leggiero tenor - The male equivalent of a lyric coloratura voice, this is an often light and very agile tenor voice, capable of coloratura and able to sing notes above the tenor C.
Lyric tenor - A strong yet not heavy voice.
Spinto tenor - Heavier than a lyric and more dramatic.
Dramatic tenor - A powerful, rich, heroic tenor.
Heldentenor - A rich, powerful, and dramatic voice.


Lyric baritone - High tessitura and lighter voice, quite often a comic character.
Dramatic baritone - Lower tessitura than a lyric, rich and full voice.


Bass-baritone - Also called "Heldenbariton", a bass-baritone has the tessitura of a baritone but the lower range that is customary of a bass. Bass-baritones play a variety of roles, and frequently play either villainous characters, or regal older men.


Basso cantante - Has agility but also a deep tone.
Basso profondo - A rich and deep, extremely dark dramatic male bass voice. Operatic bassi profondi are rare, and these roles are sung by most operatic basses.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Get Ready for Web 3.0

Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web, once said, “The web as I envisaged it, we have not seen it yet. The future is still so much bigger than the past.” It’s only a matter of time before web 3.0 -- better known as the “semantic web”-- rolls around, making web 2.0 -- the web as we know it today -- a thing of the past. Though there is a debate among experts as to when exactly web 3.0 will arrive, most predict it’s sooner rather than later.

In the beginning…
Web 1.0 was all about basics. With this first iteration, social networking was merely a dim glimmer in the minds of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, and MySpace founders Tom Andersen and Chris DeWolfe. Back then, websites provided information with little opportunity for user interaction and feedback -- a one-way process dubbed “read-only”. The most interactive user activities involved chat and instant messaging.

Then web 2.0 came along and introduced the world to blogs, social-networking sites, and a host of self-publishing tools. Articles are now accompanied with “comments” tools, and any hack with a computer can create a blog. Content exploded on the web, and a considerable portion of it is created by average users.

Booming web audience
The first decade also saw a tremendous leap in the growing number of online users. Mobile devices have also made 24-hour access to the web -- anywhere, anytime -- readily available: Simply sit at Starbucks and read email, check the news, and browse the web while sipping a Frappucino.

What Web 3.0 holds in store

What industry analysts foresee for the next version is a more personalized and easy-to-use web, eliminating several steps from your online searches to make them quicker. Hence, your computer is 'smarter’ and can better understand what you are searching for. According to PC Magazine, “the Semantic Web is a place where machines can read web pages much as we humans read them, a place where search engines and software agents can better troll the Net and find what we're looking for.”

For example, if you are planning a weekend getaway to a mountain lodge and you want to make sure that there are convenience stores nearby, you wouldn’t have to conduct separate searches for lodges and stores. The web would simply deliver search results for both and categorize it in such a way that you would know which places are more convenient. What web 3.0 then promises is a more personalized, faster method of search that is tailored to your needs. And experts predict that this could also simplify the current problem of sifting through pages and pages of irrelevant web search results.

Virtual world: Others also speculate whether web 3.0 will eventually develop into a virtual world. Writing in, Daniel Nations explains that it’s a possibility that Web users would eventually be able to walk into virtual buildings and stores online.

What this means for your computer
With every technological advance, older gadgets are eventually replaced by new ones. While web 3.0 doesn’t necessarily mean you'll need a more powerful computer, the average lifespan for most computers is still 4 to 5 years and that isn’t expected to change. You can have your computer in top-notch shape as web 3.0 approaches by doing preventive maintenance to keep it healthy with help from programs like Computer Checkup Premium or System Mechanic.

Computer Checkup Premium, for example, cleans registries, removes clutter by clearing out temporary or unwanted files, and helps your hard drive run more quickly by rearranging data to remove fragments. It also speeds up your computer and ensures your PC’s hard drive is operating at its maximum potential.

WWW and information overload
One drawback, some say, to these web technologies is that they could make it easier to rely on the web to do the bulk of your work for you. Once upon a time, the fear was that television would dull creativity and mental stimulation, and now the worry is that the Internet has replaced TV in this regard.

As Chris Christensen, a computer executive and host of the Amateur Traveler podcast, says: “So we will hear stories about people for whom the web becomes an obsession. But that is no different from the couch potatoes who did not make good decisions about their TV habits.”

As we write this, tech experts are busy working on the advancement and improvement of an ever-evolving web. As the New York Times explains, “Their goal is to add a layer of meaning on top of the existing web that would make it less of a catalog and more of a guide -- and even provide the foundation for systems that can reason in a human fashion.” Source

Searching for a Seasonal Job? Six Ways to Stand Out

It's a competitive job market out there -- the unemployment rate is still flirting with 10 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics -- and you can bet the seasonal employment pool will be well-stocked with qualified candidates come holiday time. How can you set yourself apart from other applicants?
1. Stay reasonable

Robert Hosking, executive director of OfficeTeam staffing service, reports that a recent survey by the company found applicants willing to wield any weapon in their arsenal to stand out -- from spritzing resumes with perfume to parking them inside toy trucks.

However, Hosking maintains, "While unconventional methods can be hit or miss, one surefire way to stand out is by going the extra mile to showcase your skill set, professionalism and enthusiasm for the position."

He said the executives surveyed responded most to those candidates who offered excellent references and could demonstrate actual achievements. "No matter how relevant or impressive your skill set, employers want to see how your expertise and efforts will affect the company's bottom line."

2. Do your homework

Even though the job is seasonal (and temporary), you need to prepare for the interview, advises Dianne Shaddock Austin, principal of Easy Small Business "Do your research on the company or the industry and be prepared to provide actual or hypothetical work-related examples that highlight your understanding of the job or the industry," she recommends.

3. Conduct market research

Kim N. Carswell, founder of Persona Affairs, LLC, advocates preparing your own personal brand statement or elevator pitch to fit each company's brand message. "It shouldn't include 'I just need a job'" she says, but should highlight your commitment. For example, "I'm open to full time employment once my competency has been demonstrated." Carswell also suggests branding each of your resumes based on accomplishments, credentials, and overall potential to make it employer-friendly. "Tweak resumes for each company and include social media marketing ability if applicable," she says.

4. Polish your appearance

Carswell says it's important to dress appropriately, even if you are interviewing at a retail store. Your presentation doesn't end there. "Have your resume printed on bonded paper to leave with a manager even if they have an online application." She also suggests asking for a business card to follow-up via e-mail within 72 hours with resume attachment. "Don't forget to make a mental note of the operations (mood, customer service, product line, etc.) to comment on your visit in your note," says Carswell.

5. Show commitment

Even though the job is seasonal, Shaddock Austin cautions applicants not to say they're only interested in a temporary position until something else in their field comes along. "Every hiring manager wants to know that you are excited about their job, no matter how mundane the role may be. They don't want to feel like you're only interested until something better comes along," she notes.

6. Go the extra mile

Personal gestures can go a long way, whether you are just beginning to network or after you've been interviewed. Taking time to find out more about the potential employer's business, names of top executives, and who competitors are, can all be useful in setting yourself apart during initial conversations – especially if you've reached out via social media. Hosking says one executive really liked when the job seeker turned the table and wanted to know all about him. "The tactic worked," he admitted.

After you've snagged an interview, Hosking says remember to send a thank-you note or a pertinent news article to follow up. "It can make a lasting, positive impression," he underscores.

By Lydia Dishman

Friday, September 17, 2010

How to Control Your Mind

You can control your mind, when its common sense calmly manages your life. The inherited wisdom of your mind is only restrained by the remnants of an animal heritage of destructive emotions. Focusing the attention of your common sense is the key to taking control of your mind.


  1. Have a plan for your life. Life is not easy. A range of interpersonal, career and health problems are a fact of life. When setbacks occur, stomach churning emotions give you sleepless nights and affect your health. Such emotions are only suitable for a life in the jungle. Only the focused attention of common sense fits today's more civilized world. Write down your major concerns in life. Prepare a plan to change what you can and to accept the things you cannot change.
  2. Continue the planning process every time you feel disturbed by an untoward event. While having a plan immediately stills unreasonable fear and anger, problems will reappear in new forms. A few minutes of concentrated attention spent on a plan of action, or acceptance will save you from the modern problems of diabetes, blood pressure and heart attacks.
  3. Learn to instantly relax your body and still the initiation of anger, or fear signals. Every day, stressful events as well as poor postures will tighten many of the 60,000 muscles in your body. Tensed muscles often remain tightened and do not automatically relax. Tightness triggers irritability, which tenses more muscles in a vicious cycle. Focus your common sense on the state of your body to instantly relax your muscles, stifling anger, or despair.
  4. Pump your stomach at signs of mild stress. Regardless of a planned approach to life and a relaxed body, traffic snarls and rude colleagues will always be present. Become aware of your stress responses. Expel air by tightening stomach muscles close to the pelvic area. Stomach pumping quiets visceral reactions, spreads adrenaline in the system and subdues tension. The process is aerobic, decreases stress hormones, relieves constricted blood vessels and supports immune activity. A delayed flight will not spoil your day. Your common sense will remain in control.
  5. Learn breathing exercises. Conscious breathing has a stilling effect on emotions.
  6. Focus the attention of your common sense on your thoughts, whenever you have free time. People have many habitual streams of thought. With practice, self awareness will make such thoughts as familiar as friends. With the attention of your common sense, the more negative thoughts will suddenly appear to be childish or irrelevant. The generated emotions will not be able to transport you into anger, fear or despair. This process is also called mindfulness meditation.
  7. Allow positive feelings to invade your mind. You cannot enjoy the beauty of a flower, when you feel awful. But, a plan for life, a relaxed body and continuing self awareness will still the negative emotions in your mind. A mind that is free will naturally appreciate the beauty of life. When you feel good, it is easy to feel friendly and affectionate towards people. People respond back to your good feelings. When you feel good, your common sense will control your life. Courtesy of WikiHow

How do you tighten your vagina?

It can be embarrassing to discuss these issues, but many women have experienced the exact same concerns, particularly after having several children. Your medical practitioner won't be surprised to hear that you've got these concerns, so it makes sense to bring up your worries at your next appointment, or make a special appointment to talk things over, as difficult as it may be, in his or her office BEFORE you are examined.

You say you are embarrassed to have sex because you feel too loose. Is this something that your partner told you, or did you come to this conclusion by squeezing, or trying to squeeze, your fingers if you put them inside of you, using the muscles of your vaginal opening? Maybe inserting a tampon clued you in? Childbirth can bring changes in a person's body and sexual response. Every now and then, accommodations, such as trying various positions, having different expectations, or using lube, need to be made. Sometimes medical assistance can be helpful. Talk with your partner, although it may be embarrassing or hard to do, about what you both notice and/or worry about. These unexpected changes are part of a person's life and it's normal to accommodate them over a person's life span or a long-term relationship.

Are you having any trouble holding your urine? Often women who have the sensation that their vagina is stretched also notice that they leak urine, especially when they laugh, sneeze, or cough.

Kegel exercises strengthen pelvic floor muscles, the muscles that stretch during childbirth. They help improve sexual pleasure (more intense orgasms) by making the muscles stronger and more elastic, and they can improve bladder tone so that you don't leak urine. They won't, however, actually make your vagina smaller, but they can make the opening tighter.

Here's how to do Kegel exercises:
* When you're peeing, clench (without your hands) your muscles to stop the flow of urine for about four seconds. Then release those same muscles to let the urine flow again. These are your pelvic floor muscles; these are the muscles you'll be exercising when you do Kegels.
* If you want to check and make sure that you're using the right muscles, put a finger or two into your vagina. Tighten the muscles. If you can feel your fingers being squeezed (even just a little), then you've located the right muscles.
* About five to ten times a day, repeat the Kegels ten times per session.
* It can take up to 8 - 10 weeks to notice improvement, and there will most certainly be improvement. Like any kind of weight lifting or muscle building exercises, Kegels take time to make a difference! (Adding a vaginal barbell to your regular Kegel exercise routine can help. They are available at specialty stores that carry sex toys or sexual enhancement items.)
If you do Kegel exercises enthusiastically and regularly, and notice no change at all, ask your health care provider about other methods to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, including:

Vaginal cones These objects are weighted, tampon-sized devices that a woman puts into her vagina and holds there. A set of cones increases gradually in weight. One starts with the lightest cone, inserts it into the vagina, and squeezes the muscles to hold it in place. This is done twice a day, for about fifteen minutes per session, while going about one's usual activities. When a woman is successful at keeping the cone in place, she can move on to the next heavier cone, working her way up to the heaviest.

Electrical stimulation (called NMES or Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation) This method uses a probe in the vagina to stimulate the muscles of the pelvic floor with an electric current, which causes the muscles to contract and relax. Treatments are performed every one to four days and last about 20 minutes per session. Depending on the situation, one might do these treatments for a few weeks, or longer. Some health care providers perform these sessions in their offices; others prescribe home units for their patients.

NeocontrolTM This is a special chair that uses magnetic fields to stimulate the muscles of the pelvic floor. These treatments are usually administered by a technician or nurse in a urologist's office in 20 - 30 minute sessions, twice a week, for about eight weeks.
If you have severe problems due to vaginal stretching, some health care providers will recommend surgery; this is usually a last resort. Laser procedures and more complicated ones to re-position your bladder are available. You and your provider will figure out what makes sense for you.

Monday, September 6, 2010

How much fuel does an international plane use for a trip?

A plane like a Boeing 747 uses approximately 1 gallon of fuel (about 4 liters) every second. Over the course of a 10-hour flight, it might burn 36,000 gallons (150,000 liters). According to Boeing's Web site, the 747 burns approximately 5 gallons of fuel per mile (12 liters per kilometer).

This sounds like a tremendously poor miles-per-gallon rating! But consider that a 747 can carry as many as 568 people. Let's call it 500 people to take into account the fact that not all seats on most flights are occupied. A 747 is transporting 500 people 1 mile using 5 gallons of fuel. That means the plane is burning 0.01 gallons per person per mile. In other words, the plane is getting 100 miles per gallon per person! The typical car gets about 25 miles per gallon, so the 747 is much better than a car carrying one person, and compares favorably even if there are four people in the car. Not bad when you consider that the 747 is flying at 550 miles per hour (900 km/h)! Visit Howstuffworks.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What Wives Want More Than Sex

woman reading in bed Although they insist their sex lives are just fine, thank you very much, it turns out that most married women would rather spend those quiet minutes late at night doing anything but having sex with their husband.

Instead of nookie, they want to read, watch a movie or even sleep, according to an iVillage survey of 2,000 wives ages 18 to 49.

Here are the startling results from the iVillage survey:

• Fully 77 percent of married women reported being somewhat to extremely happy with their sex life, but 63 percent confessed they would rather sleep, watch a movie or read than have sex with their husband.

• Of all age groups, women in their 20s are most satisfied with their sex lives.

• 48 percent rate their husband as the best sex partner of their life.

• 62 percent confessed they fantasize about having sex with someone other than their husband.

• 81 percent rated their sex lives as predictable in some way, such as having sex the same night of the week, in the same position or in the same room of the house. However, this predictability, which was especially true among mothers of two or more children, did not affect women's happiness with their sex lives.

• In the past seven days, 58 percent of the married women surveyed said they were in the mood for sex.

• One in seven women reports trying something new in bed as recently as last week, while 37 percent have experimented under the covers in the past year. Women ages 18 to 29 are the most likely to test out a new technique, with 27 percent disclosing they've recently tried something they've never done before.

• 23 percent of women reported having sex one to three times a month, while 21 percent say they have sex more than 10 times a month.

• 9 percent reported not having sex at all in the past year.

• 10 percent of women admitted they have had a sexual affair.

Ian Kerner, therapist and author of "Love in a Time of Colic," said on CBS's "The Early Show," "First of all, I want to say I'm a dad, I have two kids. And a lot of men out there would also prefer sleep or books. But on the serious side, I kind of look at this as sort of bad news. You may say you're happy with your sex life, but in the end, if night after night you're consistently picking a book, TV, Facebook, digital networking, any distraction that's out there over intimacy with your partner, in the long run, your relationship could become vulnerable to things like infidelity. So you have to put sex at the center of your relationship."

And while Kerner admitted it's normal to want to do something other than have sex, he also said it's a bit lazy. "I think your sex life is sort of like going to the gym. You got to get back into the routine, and it's a little hard at the beginning, but once you do it, it's like try it, you'll like it. You'll want to keep going to the gym." And you'll want to keep having sex! Source
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