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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Amazing Tips for Perfect Looking Skin

1. A face mask made of Egg White and Honey gently removes tan from your face.

2. Mix Oats with Honey, Yogurt and Ground Almonds. Apply this on your face, leave it for 10-15 minutes and wash with lukewarm water to get Smooth and Glowing Skin.

3. Cucumber is a natural cleanser. Mix Cucumber Juice with Milk, apply it on your face and rinse off after 15 minutes.

4. Take 1/3-cup Cocoa, three teaspoons of Heavy Cream, 1/3-cup ripe Papaya, 1/4-cup Honey and three teaspoons of Oatmeal Powder. Mix it all together. Apply on your face. After 10 minutes, wash your face with warm water to get Glowing Complexion.

5. For oily skin, apply a mixture of Grapes, Lemon Juice and Egg White. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. While lemon acts as a natural cleanser, grapes will soften your skin and egg whites will tighten it. Don’t be alarmed if your skin tingles.

6. Cut the Lemon and rub the wedge all over your face. Leave it for about 20 minutes, then rinse off with cold water. Don’t do this if you have dry skin.

7. Apply a mixture of Honey and Milk on the face . This will make your skin Glow.

8. Mix half-a-cup Honey to your bath water for soft and smooth skin.

9. For a soothing body pack, prepare a paste of Mint Leaves and Almonds. Mix it with warm water and apply all over your body. Leave it till it dries and rinse with warm water to get Soft and Smooth Skin.

10. Buttermilk dabbed on skin for 15 minutes will soak up oil from your skin without drying it.

11. For dark underarms apply Lemon Juice mixed with Cucumber Juice and a pinch of Turmeric daily. Leave this on for 20 minutes and rinse off.

12. For removing facial hair apply a sticky paste of Egg White mixed with Sugar and Corn Flour. When it dries, gently peel it off.

13. Thin Apple Slices rubbed onto oily skin will help in controlling excess oil.

14. For Supple Skin, apply a ripe smashed Banana on your face for 20 minutes daily.

15. Carrot Juice applied daily fades blemishes.

16. For a Fair Skin, try this natural bleach.
Mix Orange Peel Powder (sun dried and powdered) with Milk, apply this paste on your face and leave for 25 minutes and wash off

17. Mix half teaspoon dried Curry Leaf Powder with Fullers Earth and water and apply on the face. Wash it after it dries to get Glowing Complexion.

18. Apply the mixture of Tomato Juice and Honey on the face and neck , wash it after 15 minutes. It will help you get rid of tan.

19. Apply the mixture of Carrot Juice and Basil. Leave it till it dries and wash the face for Clearer Complexion.

20. Add two teaspoon of Tomato Juice with 4 teaspoon of Yogurt and apply on the face to get Brighter Complexion.

21. Mix 1 table spoon of Barley Powder with half teaspoon of Lime Juice and 1 teaspoon of Honey. Apply it on the face and wash after 20 minutes to get Lighter Complexion.

22. Mix Pineapple Juice and Carrot Juice together and apply it on the face and wash it after 15 minutes to get rid of Marks and Scars.

23. Mix Vinegar and Rose Water in equal quantities and apply to get Toned Skin.

24. Mix Yogurt and Cucumber Juice and apply it on the face. Its a Natural Cleanser.

25. Apply the mixture of Coconut Water and Pineapple Pulp. It cools your skin and helps fade Blemishes.

26. Make a paste with 1 teaspoon of Milk Cream, 1 Egg White and 1 teaspoon of Lemon Juice and apply on the face. It keeps wrinkles and fine lines away.

27. For Dry skin, Make a paste with Egg Yolk, Olive Oil and Lemon Juice. Apply it on the neck and face, wash it out after 10 minutes.

28. For Oily skin, take a mixture of Oatmeal, Lemon Juice and Egg White and apply it on your face and neck. Rinse off after 15 minutes.

29. For Glowing skin, apply a mix

ture of Chickpea Powder and Milk, keep it for 20 minutes and rinse off.

30. Apply the mixture of Turmeric Powder and Milk Cream on the face and wash it after 20 minutes. It will Lighten your Complexion.

31. Apply the mixture of Honey, Chickpea Powder, Milk Cream and Olive Oil as a face pack for Lighter Complexion.

32. Apply the paste of Fenugreek with Milk on the face and let it dry. Wash off with luke warm water. Fenugreek is a soothing skin conditioner and milk is a natural cleanser.

33. Make a paste of Red SandalWood Powder and Milk and apply it on your face once in a week to get Glowing Complexion.

34. Make a paste with Red SandalWood Powder and Coconut Milk and apply on the face for Soft Skin.

35.Mix Honey, Lemon and Olive Oil . Apply this mixture and rinse off after 15 minutes to get soft and lighter complexion.

36. Prepare a mask by mixing a slice of Pumpkin with Egg Yolk and Milk. Let this mask set on your face for 30 minutes and rinse off for a Glowing Skin. Thanks to Leon

Monday, November 22, 2010

Anne Hathaway jokes about being paid to be naked with Jake

Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal spend a lot of time in very little clothing for their next film ‘Love and Other Drugs,’ which doesn’t seem like too rough of a gig.

As Hathaway is appearing on a special for Chelsea Handler’s show, she jokes that it was easy to film the scenes, states

“I spent weeks and weeks naked with Jake Gyllenhaal and they paid me,” the actress says about the filming process.

Do you think these scenes would be hard to do?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Why are there more thunderstorms in the summer?

A little knowledge about how thunderstorms develop will give a better understanding of why more thunderstorms occur in the warm summer months. The two things needed to cause a thunderstorm are moisture and rapidly rising warm air. The time of the year we are most likely to have those conditions is the spring and summer.

During the spring and summer months, the sun heats the earth’s surface during the day. The heat on the surface of the earth warms the air around it. The warm air, being lighter than cool air, rises in what is called an updraft. As it rises it expands and cools. If the air is moist, then the warm air condenses into a cumulus cloud. This continues as long as the warm air below continues to rise.

Thunderstorms develop more often in areas of high humidity. It is the moisture in the air that rises into the atmosphere in conjunction with warm temperatures where it can cause a thunderstorm to form. Summer air has a greater potential for bringing on a thunderstorm because it is able to hold a lot more water vapor than colder winter air.

The temperature of air is what controls the amount of water vapor it can hold. Since warm air is able to contain much more water vapor than cold air, then the warm summer air is conducive to the development of thunderstorms. As the temperatures rise, the air’s capacity for holding water vapor increases at an increasing rate.

Atmospheric instability is also a condition that favors the formation of thunderstorms. High surface temperatures can favor instability which has a tendency toward vertical upward motion. For this reason, thunderstorms are more numerous in the summer in the middle, warmer latitudes of the earth and during the warmer hours of the day.

Heat, however, is not the only requirement for the development of a thunderstorm. In addition the warm air must be rich in water vapor. The heat of the air causes condensation which, when released into the rising air, creates the principal source of energy for the storm’s development.

Thunderstorms often begin in the morning of a hot day when humidity is high. The sun’s heat causes the upward movement of the moisture and when it reaches the cooler heights, it condenses into clouds. These clouds increase in size until they become saturated with all the water vapor they are capable of holding.

When the clouds can no longer hold up the water vapor, the droplets begin to fall. If there is no instability then a light shower occurs. With atmospheric instability what happens is a thunderstorm. This is more common in the warm summer months. Thunderstorms are more frequently seen in the U S from the lower Midwest to the East and Southeast. These areas have much more humidity than other parts of the United States. Thanks to Annalou Mack

Writing Level Star

Thursday, November 4, 2010

How Anti-shoplifting Devices Work

Let's imagine for the moment that you own a large department store, and you are having a big problem with shoplifting. (You're not alone -- retail stores lost $26 billion last year to shoplifting!) What are you going to do? You cannot let it continue, because every month your accounting system tells you that you are losing thousands of dollars to theft. It forces you to raise your prices, and that means you have to charge more than the store next door. That can make it very hard to compete, especially if the store next door is successfully discouraging shoplifting.

As a retailer focusing on the problem of what's known in the industry as loss prevention, you basically have three methods at your disposal to slow the shoplifters down: (1) You can watch everyone in the store like a hawk and make sure they don't steal anything. You can do that using security guards and/or video surveillance systems; (2) You can make things hard to remove from the store by bolting them down, attaching cables, putting things in display cases and behind the counter; (3) You can use a system that attaches special tags onto everything so that an alarm goes off whenever a shoplifter tries to walk out with an item. In this article, we'll look at each of these options in more detail.

Security Guards and Security Bars

The first option in loss prevention involves the use of deterrents such as security guards, observation mirrors (that allow store clerks to see throughout the store) and closed-circuit television (CCTV) surveillance systems. Most large stores use some combination of these techniques, which were among the earliest tools used to combat shoplifting. Smaller businesses, unable to afford security guards, were able to install video cameras -- usually in a prominent place so that shoppers knew they were being watched -- to record activity in the store. Later, the retailer could review the tapes, observe shoppers behaving suspiciously (sometimes even stealing) and note the vulnerable displays or areas in the store. The problem with this record-and-review system is that some shoplifters get away with stealing. On the other hand, experts say, the system has merit in that it allows for possible recognition of repeat offenders (something that is prevalent among shoplifters). By reviewing these tapes, the store owner can also learn about theft patterns and get ideas about ways to deal with them.

Bert Hardy/Picture Post/Getty Images
A shoplifter looks around a department store to check if anyone is watching her.

­Your imaginary department store would probably use electronic surveillance a bit differently than smaller businesses. You might have security staff monitoring store activity on closed-circuit TV as it happens in an effort to prevent shoplifting. Today, there are even systems that allow retailers with several locations to monitor stores and distribution centers from a single location. These remote surveillance systems allow users to send full-frame video image streams over high-speed phone lines to other locations and to electronically store digital video images for review or evidence.

And in larger stores, cameras are often less visible. Next time you're in your favorite department store, look around. High-speed, high-resolution digital cameras may be mounted in smoke detectors, sprinkler heads, thermostats or clocks. (It's popular to mount cameras in ceiling tile domes (they're bubble-like and tinted so no one can see where the camera is pointed). From this vantage point, a pan/tilt/zoom camera can swing about and follow someone around the store. (If security is not monitoring and operating the camera, it can be set up to pan automatically but will not follow someone around the store.)

Video cameras used for security purposes don't look anything like the video camera your family has at home -- they're becoming smaller and more specialized. A standard surveillance camera might be in the neighborhood of 4 inches long by 2 1/2 inches wide with a lens on the end, according to Jeff Bates of ADT Security Systems in Raleigh, N.C. A hidden camera might be a board camera, which basically is a 1 inch by 1 inch square computer board with a tiny lens, perhaps 1/4 inch in size. These cameras are designed to two specifications, experts say: they must be small and easy to hide.

Now for option number two: locking things up nice and tight. Cable, wire products and security bars are also familiar types of retail security devices. They certainly work to keep your merchandise in the store. But retail industry experts say this isn't the best way to move your products because cables and other locking devices make it difficult for people to examine items and try on garments. Customers have to get a clerk to come release the item so they can try it on or look at it. Since most people are in a hurry, this might motivate shoppers to move on to a store where the merchandise is more accessible.

Having said that, if you need to use security cables and locking racks, there's a wide variety of products available to you. Security cables are made with a variety of properties: coaxial cables (for CCTV systems), alarm cables and fiber optic cables. Wire lanyards, which can be snaked through a garment to attach it to a rack or display, are being made stronger all the time. For example, Retail Security Products offers to send potential customers a lanyard test kit to illustrate the strength -- over 250 pounds in a pull test -- of their product. You've probably also seen the locked steel racks used for expensive coats and jackets -- again, these have to be unlocked by a sales clerk.

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