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Sunday, January 30, 2011

15 Coolest Photos You Won't Believe Are Not Photoshopped

Dean Potter's most recent solo walk at Taft Point in Yosemite by Photographer Jeff Cunningham. (Link)

Sleeping on Heaven. (Link)


Apparently, the model was just jumping! (Link)

(The left-hand side is a mirror, and the right-hand side is clear glass, with another girl standing on the other side). (Link)

At the top of 360 feet tall Victoria Falls there is a natural rock pool, called Devil's Pool, where the water is relatively calm. From September to December, when the water level is low, you can swim in Devil's Pool. The pictures are bound to make you just a little nervous. Or a lot. (Link)

It looks Photoshopped, but this Magic Tap fountain actually has a pipe hidden in the stream of water. Located in Aqualand, Spain. (Link)

Li Wei Art. (Link)

This definitely looks photoshopped but actually it's a life-size photographic work based on the original building in Paris, printed on canvas, enhanced with bas-relief. It shelters the renovation of an Hausmannian building during the year 2007. The project is named"39GeorgeV" is an urban surrealism manifesto. (Link)

The Human Fly, a dare devil/stunt performer named Rick Rojatt, lives out the Marvel Comics character on the back of a DC-8 cruising low at 250 knots, flown by Clay Lacy at the Mojave California 1000 air races. (Link)

Headless horse... oh well, it's actually looking the other way. (Link)

Adventures of Mr. Fly (although not photoshopped we must tell you the fly is dead). (Link)


Tricky desktop picture. (Link)

The zebroid (cross between a zebra and any other equine) showed in the picture above, Eclyse, is a very unusual one, because of her coloring. With her über distinct makings, it's really hard not to think she's a Photoshop mock-up.

Visit Oddee

"Opportunities Never End" 11 Secrets of Bill Gates' Success.

Practically, bill gates Himself was never so much into studies, But his uncommon interest in the Computer Science field ,has Made Him One Of the Richest man Alive On earth and A Great personality. Today when we come to computers ,We remember Him, that’s the impact which speaks For Itself.

He is always Generous and Cooperative in sharing his experiences and Secrets to his success,But here are some of his favourite Tips which he believes If followed Will lead to a Better way and a Successful Life.
Read more To find The Secrests :)

11 Secrets For Success By Bill Gates

People Who Think that they will find some Business and Money tips Please Don’t read This.

1. Life is Not Sympathy, So use It well and Live It well!

2. The World Will Never Respect Your Self Respect, If you Want people To respect You , you have to do something For that.

3.You cannot earn a profile of 40000 directly after your high-school ,neither you can have your OWN mobile , OWN car , or company Vice president Job , till you Get it Yourself !

4. “If You feel That your Teacher Are Like Hitler, Then Do wait For Your BOSS :) ” – Bill Gates
(This is my personal favorite.)

5. Even a Fat Burger is not smaller then Your Reputation or Your excellence, our parents use a different word for that and that is Opportunity!

6.”Always Learn Something Out of Your Mistakes.”

7.”Always Love Your Parents , because they were not so boring untill you were born and after that they pay your bills and take care of you.”

8. “In life We Always Face Ups and Downs , Nobody Expect Defeats ,So always AIM for Success!”

9. “Life is Not Like Semesters, you dont have Summer and winter Holidays here, neither you will always have your friends who know you, Its important To Know Yourself”
(This one is for all Engineers !)

10. “Life is Not like A Television, In Real world We have To leave the coffee Shop and Go to Work!”

11. “Opportunities Never End, Either You get More Or you should Create One!”
(The last But the Greatest)

So friends , if we can Conceive the least from this, i hope we can lead a good life!.

Prashant Rohilla

Friday, January 28, 2011

Pictures of Cheaters

Cheating everywhere in every time! Do You cheat? And what do You think about cheating?

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Visit WeirdExistence

Extreme Piercing. More Than You Can Handle.

In late September and early October in Thailand held an unusual vegetarian festival. I order to Nine Emperor Gods give them good health and peace of mind, these people during the festival, which lasts 9 days, must comply with many rules. These days they do not eat meat, drink alcohol, have sex or wear white clothes, and must maintain body hygiene and kitchen accessories… What’s really spectacular is sticking various objects through the face: knives, sabers, saw, glasses, spears… Every drop of blood, and every scar is a gift for purifying the soul. This expression of devotion and love to the gods during the ceremony is often a very creepy and bizarre, but always spectacular.

Extreme Piercing for the Love of Gods

Extreme Piercing for the Love of Gods

Extreme Piercing for the Love of Gods

Extreme Piercing for the Love of Gods

Extreme Piercing for the Love of Gods

Extreme Piercing for the Love of Gods

Extreme Piercing for the Love of Gods

Extreme Piercing for the Love of Gods

Extreme Piercing for the Love of Gods

Extreme Piercing for the Love of Gods

Extreme Piercing for the Love of Gods

Extreme Piercing for the Love of Gods

Extreme Piercing for the Love of Gods

Extreme Piercing for the Love of Gods

Extreme Piercing for the Love of Gods

Extreme Piercing for the Love of Gods

Extreme Piercing for the Love of Gods

Extreme Piercing for the Love of Gods

Extreme Piercing for the Love of Gods

Extreme Piercing for the Love of Gods

Extreme Piercing for the Love of Gods

Extreme Piercing for the Love of Gods

Thanks to Dumage

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