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Saturday, July 31, 2010

What do Aliens Look Like?

Aliens are the extraterrestrial beings believed to exist. Some give accounts of having seen them visit our world. Then, what do aliens look like? Want to know? The read on…
What do Aliens Look Like?

Aliens have always aroused the interest for many. With new discoveries in astronomy, man has been able to explore the extraterrestrial world and examine the chances of the existence of aliens. On one hand, the existence of extraterrestrial life is considered hypothetical while on the other hand, aliens have been sighted on a few occasions. There have been news about the aliens visiting Earth; there have been some people claiming to have seen the aliens. The concept of ‘aliens’ remains alien!

The sightings of aliens have brought about descriptions of their appearance. What they look like, has been a question in the minds of one and all and news have many a time answered it by giving accounts of people witnessing aliens. We know of films and television shows, which have depicted aliens as being humanoid in appearance. Many renowned poets have written about aliens as a life form beyond this world. Fiction has portrayed aliens as being intruders and unfriendly beings. In general the popular culture has depicted aliens as having some strange and mystic powers. These portrayals have largely influenced common man's ideas about how aliens look.

What do Aliens Look Like?
Aliens are largely described as resembling human beings. Their height is approximately same as the average height of human beings. Like any normal human beings, aliens have a pair of eyes, a nose, a mouth, a pair of arms and a pair of feet. There are citations of aliens having wings or wheels instead of feet and other such abnormalities. It is believed that aliens have a rough lizard-like skin. Their skin colors are believed to vary from gray, white, tan to gold, pink or red. Their skin is believed to glow in the dark. Their eyes are considered to resemble those of humans, lizards or insects. Some have documented aliens as having webbed fingers while others believe that aliens have suction cups for fingertips or claws. Aliens have been documented as being variedly sized and shaped. Some have documented them as 3 inches tall while others say that they are about 15 feet tall. In some places aliens have been documented as being shaped like balls of light, while in other places they have been shown as resembling robots or metal objects. Some believe that aliens look like animals or large insects while some think of aliens as human-like figures clothed in uniforms. Many believe that aliens can float through walls.

There have been accounts of aliens abducting human beings. People have claimed to have been kidnapped by the aliens and been taken away from the terrestrial surroundings. Interestingly, most people who have claimed to have seen aliens or been abducted by them, were able to recall their experiences only though dreams or hypnosis.

Aliens have been believed to travel in flying saucers or spacecrafts, which are closely related to what are called UFOs or Unidentified Objects. People in different parts of the world have reported to have seen UFOs and have considered them as being vehicles carrying the aliens. Different organizations around the world have investigated these incidents but have not been able to derive an exact conclusion about the existence and appearance of the aliens. ‘What do aliens look like’, is still a mystery. Perhaps we will have to wait till the aliens visit Earth, to know how they look!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Top 5 Uses for Flash

1. Create an Animated Character

Flash offers tools that let you bring character animation right onto your home computer, with a full-featured animation studio that lets you create easily animated characters and environments.

There are many ways to animate in Flash, but my two favorite types of character animation are:

  • Traditional: using Flash's time-saving tools paired with principles of traditional frame animation to create detailed, dynamic 2D character animations.
  • "Paper Doll" Style: using symbols to create a character art breakdown with multiple segments that can be animated using tweens. This requires only one or two drawings, usually, and is great for animations featuring narration or background actions.

2. Build a Website

Although sometimes people take it overboard, Flash has a variety of uses online, such as: The trick is not to go to excess, or you'll end up on the list of stupid Flash tricks. There are times when people will navigate away from any website obviously using Flash, simply because they've come to expect difficult navigation and a lot of glitter with no function.

3. Create a Game

Flash's interactivity has given rise to a number of games; the only limit is your creativity and your ability to incorporate user-responsive scripting into your animations. Some of my favorites are: As you can see, they don't even have to be animated, although sometimes it helps. All you need is a little interaction with the end user, some form of entertainment or challenge, and you have a game or puzzle.

4. Create Animated Advertisements

Most of us aren't fans of advertisements. At this point most of us go blank if we even notice an advertisement on a web page, and we hardly ever click them - and no one's about to fall for the "hit the monkey, win an X-box" trick anymore. Sometimes advertisements are necessary, though, and there are a number of ways you can use Flash to incorporate them:
  • Google Adsense: This popular ad-serving service from Google selects advertisements for you and delivers them to your audience based on complex targeted algorithms. Although it's primarily code-based, it's not hard to incorporate into your Flash site.
  • Transparent Animations: We may not always be fond of them, but those roll-out animations that overlay on the actual website copy are good for getting attention.
  • Video Overlay: You can actually create transparent video (no background) that fits into your website and lays over your content, which is not only a neat effect but also a good way to deliver advertising.

  • 5. Build Your Own Applications

    Taking interactivity to the next level, you can also build flash applications with a more useful purpose than just games. A few of my own examples are: You can embed these flash applications into your website to add functionality that has some benefit to your users, whether it's just convenience or something more complex. Visit

    Tuesday, July 20, 2010

    The Difference Between a Cell Phone, Smartphone and PDA

    Falling under the category of mobile devices, today's consumer electronics serve multiple purposes. Years ago, cellular phones, also called cellphone or mobile phone, served one purpose only: They let you send and receive voice communications. Today, mobile phones and similar devices are equipped with customized software, Internet access, digital cameras, portable music players, GPS functions and many more options.

    Once again technological advancements make common terminology such as mobile phone, smartphone, PDA and PDA phone difficult to decipher as each type of device changes constantly and features traditionally belonging to one type of device are now found on others. Here we will explore the popular category of mobile communication devices, the similarities and differences between some of the popular products.

    What Is a Mobile Phone?
    A mobile phone is more frequently called a cellular phone or cellphone. These communication devices connect to a wireless communications network through radio waves or satellite transmissions. Most mobile phones provide voice communications, Short Message Service (SMS), Multimedia Message Service (MMS), and newer phones may also provide Internet services such as Web browsing, instant messaging capabilities and e-mail.

    What Is a PDA?
    Short for personal digital assistant, this is the name given to small handheld devices that combine computing, telephone/fax, Internet and networking features. A typical PDA can function as a cellular phone, fax sender, Web browser and personal organizer. These devices are usually pen-based, which requires the use of a stylus rather than a keyboard for input. PDAs today are available in either a stylus or keyboard version. Traditionally, PDAs have not had phone or fax services.

    What Is a Smartphone?
    A smartphone is considered to be the combination of the traditional PDA and cellular phone, with a bigger focus on the cellular phone part. These handheld devices integrates mobile phone capabilities with the more common features of a handheld computer or PDA. Smartphones allow users to store information, e-mail, install programs, along with using a mobile phone in one device. A smartphone's features is usually more oriented towards mobile phone options than the PDA-like features. There is no industry standard for what defines a smartphone, so any mobile device that has more than basic cellphone capabilities can actually be filed under the smartphone category of devices.

    What Is a PDA Phone?
    It's definitely a lack of standardization that makes the category of mobile devices so confusing to the consumer. As technology changes, so do the functions that these different devices perform. Years ago, many people differentiated PDA and smartphone simply by looking for touch-screen capabilities. If it had a touch screen it was a PDA, if it didn't, it was a smartphone. The Sony Ericsson Smartphone, for example, offers users both a touch screen and a full QWERTY keyboard. Despite the fact that the manufacturer calls this product a smartphone, the generic term for a PDA oriented device with cellular phone capabilities is called a PDA phone.

    Fuzzy Lines Between Smart Devices
    Even if you can now decide for yourself if a mobile device is simply a cellular phone, a smartphone, a PDA or PDA phone, the fine lines between these types of mobile devices are about to get blurred again as we add in new terms to the mix like Pocket PC, and Smartphone (with a capital letter).

    So starting with the difference between smartphone, as we've discussed above: When capitalized, it refers to Microsoft's Smartphone platform, which is used for a variety of mobile devices. The latest version, Windows Mobile 6 actually removes the word Smartphone from its title, and over time this should help lessen the confusion between smartphone and Smartphone. Interestingly, , one of the three versions of Windows Mobile 6 is called Windows Mobile 6 Standard for Smartphones. Here the "For Smartphones" means "phones without touch screens".

    The Pocket PC itself is not a specific category of mobile devices, but rather the name given to PDAs that use the Microsoft Windows Mobile operating system. Much like the category of PDA devices, Pocket PCs features are focused on computing and data tasks with other features, like cellular phone capabilities being secondary to the PDA functions. The Pocket PC is one device that is standardized. In order to carry the Pocket PC label the device must meet specific criteria such as use Microsoft's Windows Mobile for Pocket PCs, include a touch screen, include a touchpad, and other specifications.

    Some Popular Examples

    • The popular Apple iPhone is a combination smartphone and iPod

    • The HP iPAQ Mobile Messenger is a Pocket PC

    • The LG Prada is a cellular phone with a touch screen — but its not a smartphone

    • The RIM BlackBerry 8800 is considered a smartphone — but its borderline on being a handheld PC device due to its size and features

    • The Palm Treo 700p is a PDA phone

    • The Motorola Q is also considered to be a PDA phone

    What's The Differences, Again?
    In summing up the differences between these common mobile communications devices you could say that a PDA phone is more PDA than phone and a smartphone is more phone than PDA. And, of course, a cellular phone is more phone than anything else. Read interesting facts on Webopedia.

    Monday, July 19, 2010

    Dog Heatstroke Prevention and Treatment

    Dog wearing spectacles

    With temperatures in the triple digits in many parts of the country, pet owners need to be extra vigilant about keeping their animals cool.

    Dogs are much more prone than people to develop heatstroke, because they are only able to sweat through their foot pads and can cool off only by panting. Even the healthiest of dogs can succumb to heat-related illnesses if pushed too hard or left in a confined space. Dogs with medical problems are even more vulnerable.

    Help keep your pooch safe with these tips from the Humane Society of the United States, and veterinarian Ira Roth, director of the Community Practice Clinic at the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine.

    Protecting Your Dog From the Heat

    Here are three things to keep in mind during these intense summer days:

    Limit time outside. During extreme temperatures, it's a good idea for everyone -- man and beast -- to be inside if they can. But short-nosed dog breeds who naturally have more trouble breathing -- such as Boston terriers, pugs, English bulldogs, or boxers -- should be kept in air-conditioned rooms as much as possible. The same goes for dogs with renal or cardiac failure, or other health disorders, says Roth. If you can't keep your dog inside, make sure it has ready access to fresh water and shade, like in a dog house.

    Reduce physical activity. Keep exercise short with just a walk in the early morning or evening hours. Taking your dog out to "do his business," or letting him walk with you to the mailbox in the middle of the day is probably fine. But it's easy to overexert a dog without realizing it, Roth says.

    "If your daily routine is to come home and throw the ball and play catch for a while, you want to eliminate that or drastically reduce it," Roth tells Paw Nation. "Dogs will push themselves to exhaustion." It's up to you to recognize when your pet has had enough activity.

    Never leave a dog in car: We know you've heard this before but we will say it again and again because even if you're parked in the shade, the inside of your car can quickly reach 120 degrees. "Pets who are left in hot cars even briefly can suffer from heat exhaustion, heat stroke, brain damage, and can even die. Don't think that just because you'll be gone 'just a minute' that your pet will be safe while you're gone," the Humane Society of the United States says in its Summer Care Tips guide. Also, don't leave your dog in the back of a pickup truck. The bed can get hot enough to scorch a dog's feet or belly.

    What to Do if Your Dog Becomes Overheated
    Quick action is the key to treating your pet.

    If you suspect heatstroke, call your vet immediately. If your dog is panting excessively, staggering, seems disoriented or has reddish-purple gums your pet is in serious trouble. Fast treatment is critical to avoid life-threatening complications like blood-clotting abnormalities or multiorgan failure, Roth says. "Time will be an important factor," Roth says. "Many [overheated dogs] will die even with very, very aggressive treatment."

    Cool your dog down. After contacting your vet, the Humane Society recommends that you move your pet to the shade or an air-conditioned area. Apply cool (not cold) water over his body to gradually lower his core body temperature. Apply cold towels or ice packs to your pet's head, neck, and chest only. Let your pet drink small amounts of water or lick ice cubes.

    By staying alert and taking action quickly, you can keep your dog safe. Of course not all pet owners will be as vigilant as you so if you see a pet in a car alone during the hot summer months, alert the management of the store where the car is parked, and if the owner doesn't return, call local animal control or the police department. By Daphne Sashin

    Saturday, July 17, 2010

    The world's first red-fleshed apple

    Trees producing the first red-fleshed apples were on sale in Britain on Friday.

    The Redlove, grown in Devon, southwestern England, boasts a rosy color from skin to core and was said to be richer in healthy antioxidants than other apples.

    Saplings were being sold by British seeds and plants company Suttons, after a Swiss grower spent 20 years breeding the variety.

    The apples were set to go on sale within five years.

    Thursday, July 15, 2010

    Tips & Facts on an IMAX Projector

    An IMAX projector weighs as much as a male hippopotamus — about 3,300 to 4,000 pounds (1,500 to 1,800 kilograms). It comes with a hefty price tag as well. Each IMAX unit costs $5 million US Dollars. The screen size has large as well — a typical screen can be six stories tall, and a dome to protect the projector can measure as much as 99 feet (30 meters) in diameter.

    • The IMAX was invented by four young Canadians who managed to convinced Japanese investors to consider the IMAX potential. Surprised by the agreement, the boys had to invent the system capable of shooting on film 10 times the size of traditional 35 mm film; they pulled it off and threw together a swanky office in a hurry to impress the investors.

    • The 15,000-watt bulb in an IMAX projector is so bright that it could be seen with the naked eye from the International Space Station if pointed upward.

    • The film used in an IMAX projector is so big that a 40-minute film would be about 3 miles (4.8 kilometers) long. It also is strong enough to pull a truck.

    • The world's largest IMAX screen, located in Sydney, New South Wales, measures eight stories tall — 117.2 by 96.5 feet (35.73 by 29.42 meters), covering an area of 10,930 square feet (1,015 square meters).

    Wednesday, July 14, 2010

    Chicken-and-Egg Mystery Finally Cracked

    British scientists believe they have found the answer to an ages-old question: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

    Scientists cracked the puzzle after discovering that the formation of eggs is possible only thanks to a protein found in chicken's ovaries. That means eggs have to be formed in chickens first.

    The protein -- called ovocledidin-17 (OC-17) -- speeds up the development of the shell. Researchers from Sheffield and Warwick universities in England laid out their findings in the paper "Structural Control of Crystal Nuclei by an Eggshell Protein."

    They used a supercomputer to zoom in on the formation of an egg and realized the protein is vital in kick-starting the crystallization process. It works by converting calcium carbonate into the calcite crystals that make up the egg shell.

    Dr Colin Freeman, from Sheffield University's Department of Engineering Materials, said "it had long been suspected that the egg came first -- but now we have the scientific proof that shows that in fact the chicken came first."

    "The protein had been identified before and it was linked to egg formation, but by examining it closely we have been able to see how it controls the process," Freeman said.

    "It's very interesting to find that different types of avian species seem to have a variation of the protein that does the same job."

    It is hoped the discovery leads to the invention of new materials.

    Courtesy of The Sun

    Thursday, July 8, 2010

    Women's Sex Fantasies Revealed

    Women are often too ashamed to admit to their sex fantasies. Fantasies help to spice up any relationship. Intimacy is expressed with various acts of fantasies. Women are daydreamers and bring two loving people together. A fantasy isn't just about sex it is about the intimacy between two people. This article is to let men know women are ashamed to admit the truth of their fantasies. I am here to let women know as well not to be afraid to speak out on their fantasies. Men would be surprised to read this article and to know us women are not against the fantasies they would want us to take part in.

    These are just a few of women's fantasies that we are afraid and ashamed to speak of. Give these a try, you won't be disappointed.

    Sex Fantasy #1: Role playing is a fantasy most women are too bashful to speak of. The act of role playing allows couples to be someone else for a while. The types of role playing can be teacher and student, cops and robberies. The rules of role playing are unlimited to those who want to explore the worlds of this sex fantasy.

    Sex Fantasy #2: Homemade porn isn't very common among couples. What women don't want their spouse to know is that find it exciting to take part in porn with them. The homemade porn can be kept locked away for privacy issues.

    Sex Fantasy #3: Toys are often used to enhance the intimacy of a relationship. Most women are afraid to use sex toys because they fear it will give more pleasure than their spouse can. Toys can be purchased just about anywhere. Vibrators can bring two people together even closer than before.

    Sex Fantasy #4: The outdoors is an intense experience for all women to take part in. The outdoors is often a great sex fantasy to experience. A sex fantasy in the hot tub is an experience no one should go without trying at least once in their life time.

    Sex Fantasy #5: A threesome has been a fantasy of a man's for centuries. As woman it has been a curiosity of ours but has been afraid to participate in such an act. Women do not want to admit, they want to participate in such an act. A woman cannot deny the fact they are curious what it would be like to experience a threesome.

    Sex Fantasy #6: Food is a great source to spice up the bedroom play. The exploration of food in a sex fantasy is something everyone should explore at least once. The types of food that is great...continue reading here.

    Monday, July 5, 2010

    Hair Rebonding Procedure Treatment

    If you suffer from short, frizzy, and lackluster hair, all hope is not lost in achieving the look you desire for your tresses. More women are looking to hair rebonding as an answer to problems of dull, unmanageable hair. However, before you consider rebonding as an option, you need to understand exactly what the treatment entails.

      The Process

    1. The rebonding process starts with the application of a cream softener or relaxant designed to break down the normal structure of your hair. This is followed by the application of keratin lotion and neutralizer which restructures your hair and makes it straight. The effects of rebonding last from 6 to 12 months, and is one of the more expensive hair straightening treatments. After the procedure, you are told not to wash your hair for three to four days, or use any hair accessories to bind it.

      Rebonding is a harsh treatment for hair because of the chemicals that make it work. Consequently, it is crucial to look after your rebonded hair since it's especially weak and fragile at this stage, and even a simple action like brushing can cause damage.
    2. How to Care for Rebonded Hair

    3. Hair that has undergone rebonding should never be subject to hot water or even a warm water wash. Use only cold water on your hair. In addition, do not use heated flat irons and curling irons. In addition, avoid using a hair dryer. If you have to blow dry your hair do it on the cold air setting.

      Conditioners are like life-giving nectar for your hair. Condition your hair generously and regularly, and use a leave in conditioner. In addition, occasionally use a clarifying shampoo that will clear out any residual products in your hair.

      Finally, forget about subjecting your hair to any other chemical treatment for at least six months after your rebonding treatment.. However tempted you might be, think about the further damage that additional chemicals can do to your hair.
    4. Recovering from a Rebonding Disaster

    5. In the unfortunate event that your rebonding experience goes wrong go back to the salon that gave you the rebonding treatment and ask them to take the necessary steps to repair the damage. If it can't be fixed get a haircut. Oil your hair regularly, and follow it up with steaming with a hot towel dipped in water wrapped around your hair.

      To prevent any further damage protect your hair with a scarf or leave in conditioner. Every fifteen days or so, get a deep conditioning treatment. With a little bit of patience and time, your hair will recover. Thanks to eHow.
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